
AltiumLimitedisanAmericanmultinationalsoftwarecompanythatprovideselectronicdesignautomationsoftwaretoengineerswhodesignprintedcircuit ...,Leveragethemostpowerful,modernandeasy-to-usePCBdesigntoolonthemarket.AltiumDesignerbringstogetherunifieddesignandNative3D™PCBcapabilities ...AltiumDesignerViewer·AltiumMCADCoDesigner...·OtherInstallers·,Altiumheadquarters;Phone:+1858-864-1500;Fax:+1858-864-1...


Altium Limited is an American multinational software company that provides electronic design automation software to engineers who design printed circuit ...

Downloads for PCB Design Products and EDA Software

Leverage the most powerful, modern and easy-to-use PCB design tool on the market. Altium Designer brings together unified design and Native 3D™ PCB capabilities ... Altium Designer Viewer · Altium MCAD CoDesigner... · Other Installers ·

Contact Us

Altium headquarters ; Phone: +1 858-864-1500 ; Fax: +1 858-864-1710 ; Address: 4225 Executive Square, Suite 1000. La Jolla, CA 92037, USA ...

About Altium

Learn how Altium became an industry leader and created a comprehensive suite of solutions for PCB Design, ECAD / MCAD Collaboration and EDA Software.


The best PCB design software and high-powered tools for PCB designers. Industry-leading schematic capture, layout and prototyping tools. EDA / CAD. Altium · About Altium · Altium Support · Altium Education


用创新的PCB设计软件改造电子行业. 从汽车和航空航天到消费电子产品和医疗设备, Altium随时随地成为设计人员的左膀右臂。

Altium 365

Altium 365 is the first open electronics hardware development platform with seamless collaboration. Streamline your design and development process today.

Altium Limited

Altium Limited develops and sells computer software for the design of electronic products. The company offers products in the domains of PCB implementation, ...

Renesas Completes Acquisition of Altium

Altium Limited (ASX: ALU) is a global software company headquartered in San Diego, California, who are accelerating the pace of innovation ...


Altium 有限公司(以前稱為Protel )是一家位於澳大利亞的軟體公司,為設計印刷電路板(PCB)的工程師提供基於PC的電子設計自動化(EDA)軟體。由Nick Martin 於1985年在 ...